Defend Plans Collateral
Brochures, flyers, directories and more
With administration by Acuity Group and stop-loss through A.M. Best-rated A carriers.
Because all of our PPO plans are backed by quality, national networks.
Refund Assisters™
Our unique Refund Assisters™ help employees improve their health and employers their costs.
Summaries of Benefits Samples
- Defend 500 Co-Pay (Standard / RBP)
- Defend 1000 Co-Pay (Standard / RBP)
- Defend 2000 Co-Pay (Standard / RBP)
- Defend 3000 Co-Pay (Standard / RBP)
- Defend 4000 Co-Pay (Standard / RBP)
- Defend 5000 Co-Pay (Standard / RBP)
- Defend HSA 3000 (Standard / RBP)
- Defend HSA 4000 (Standard / RBP)
- Defend HSA 5000 ((Standard / RBP)
Network, PMB and MGU Links:
- Cigna Choice Fund PPO Medical Provider Directory
- Cigna Performance Prescription Drug List
- Cigna Rx Home Delivery Quick Guide
- Cigna Step Therapy Explanation
- RBP Plans: For pharmacy list please contact
- RBP Plans: ScriptCare Prescription Drug List (Formulary)
- Defend Plans Underwriting Guidelines
Referenced Based Pricing Collateral
The standard Defend Plans are PPOs. They provide higher benefits when clients seek services from an in-network provider, but still provides some coverage for out-of-network treatment and services.
Clients also have the option of choosing our Referenced Based Pricing (RBP) plans. These plans act like a PPO for physicians and specialists. Facilities (including hospitals and clinics), however, are reimbursed based on a percentage in excess of what Medicare reimburses those facilities for the same care (or an HHS cost calculator, whichever is higher).
The Defend Plans provide clients with patient advocacy through ClaimDoc or through 6 Degrees Health. They help your clients minimize balance billing and educate patients and providers about RBP before claims are incurred.
ClaimDoc serves as a co-fiduciary of the plan, accepting responsibility to pay any legal liability. No physician network is available with ClaimDOC.
6 Degrees Health does not serve as co-fiduciary, but a physician network is available.
Clients should consult with their broker to determine if Referenced Based Pricing is the best option for them.